卸载 Unlaunch

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正在安装或卸载Unlaunch,可能会随机是你的机器变砖! 你已被警告!

警告: 卸载Unlaunch可能会砖掉你的 DSi 。 这里有一些关于您可能想要卸载Unlaunch,但并不需要卸载Unlaunch就可解决问题的例子。

  • The Unlaunch Background is scary: Reinstall Unlaunch using the new instructions. 它们现在包含关于如何改变背景的说明
  • 没有开机界面,且音乐丢失: 使用 新操作说明 重新安装。 它们现在包含缓解此问题的说明


减少变砖的几率, 请确保您的系统NAND中的没有安装任何非合法的 DSiWare(不包括HiyaCFW 提供的 SDNAND 重定向), 或以其他方式篡改系统文件。


When uninstalling Unlaunch, you should NOT use its built-in uninstaller directly on your console as there is a chance that it will brick the console. Please see below for information on uninstalling it properly.

Once you have reviewed the above information, follow the Dumping NAND instructions to make a new NAND backup, then proceed to Restoring a NAND Backup. This will guide you through uninstalling Unlaunch from the NAND backup and flashing that to your console.

If you are not able to use no$gba or get an error after uninstalling Unlaunch in no$gba it is also possible to flash a NAND backup made prior to installing Unlaunch if you still have one, however it is recommended to try using a NAND backup that previously had Unlaunch first. This will make recovery significantly easier in the case of a brick requiring a hardmod as Unlaunch leaves the no$gba footer embedded in the NAND even when uninstalled.